How can I email photos to a Nixplay frame?

When you activate your frame and create a Nixplay Cloud account, you'll be assigned a email address. This unique email address is used for sending photos directly to your frame, whether it's from friends, family, or yourself.

Good to Know

1. You'll only receive the photos and not the textual portion of the message.

2. Photos should be attached as files in the email (and not embedded or pasted directly into the email).

3. Acceptable photo formats include .JPEG or .jpg & .png.

4. The size of a single photo should be between 50KB and 12MB.

5. Ensure that the entire message remains below 25MB.

6. All the photos sent via email will go directly to a specific album, namely the "Emailed Photos Album"

7. Make sure to enable this album on your frame so that every time you or someone else sends photos via email, they will be displayed on the frame